Forthcoming AGMs

Saturday 26th February 2011

I am not sure what the collective noun for AGMs is.  Could it be a "flurry of AGMs"?  The following AGMs are coming up in March:

  • Monday 7th March:  Produce Committee
  • Tuesday 15th March:  Lerryn Area Minibus Association

Both will start at 7.30pm and will take place in the committee room of the village hall.  Both AGMs will give you the opportunity to give your feedback on:

  • The 2 annual events organised by the Produce Committee:  the Plant Sale in May and the Produce Show in August
  •  The regular trips as well as the special trips organised by LAMA (about 90 trips a year)

Please come along, not only to give your feedback, but also to give your support to the Lerryn residents who work so hard to make things happen in our lovely village.