Lerryn Halloween Pumpkin Walk - calling all pumpkin carvers!

Monday 12th October 2020

Lerryn Halloween Pumpkin Walk - calling all pumpkin carvers!

See in the calendar section, details of the event organised by the Lerryn WI .

Here is what the pumpkin carvers need to know:

  • Pumpkins should be carved and delivered to the village hall between 5.00-7.00pm on Thursday 29th October and between 9.00-10.00am on Friday 30th October
  • The cost is 50p per pumpkin to cover the cost of the battery operated tea lights
  • The ladies of the WI will then arrange the pumpkins around the village
  • You will be able to collect your pumpkins after the event from 8.00pm on Saturday evening.  They make fabulous food for our wildlife, so don't just put them in the bin.

If groups wish to carve a collection of pumpkins to depict a scene, please contact Julie Devine on 01208 872756 or e-mail juliecdevine@gmail.com, so that we can discuss how best to display them.