News Travels Far

Wednesday 4th January 2012

News Travels Far

The number of people visiting has increased substantially over the last few months.

People all over the world are now enjoying the various pages that our website has to offer.  We are delighted that they have found us and we welcome them.

Some of you reading this are former residents of Lerryn and we hope you are able to keep in touch with life in our village through this website.

Others have found us in a variety of ways and have come to know and explore Lerryn through the web pages.

If any of our former residents would like to write to us and, perhaps, send us their news and some photographs, we would love to receive them.  With your permission, we could include them on the News Pages.

Similarly, we would be pleased to hear from any of our visitors living abroad.  It would be interesting to know how you found our website and to tell us what you like about our web pages. It would be fascinating to know in which parts of the world our little village is being followed.

Anyone, home or abroad, wishing to contact the website can do so by clicking on the blue button and posting a message.



You could also use the Discussion Forum --------------------------------

 We look forward to hearing from you.