Quiz Night

Saturday 3rd March 2012

Quiz Night 25th February 2012

The Quiz Night held at The Ship in Lerryn on 25th February was very well attended and a good time was had by all. There was enthusiastic participation in the quiz and a tie break had to be held to establish the winners!

Very sincere thanks are due to Keith and Jenny Rooker, who continue to organize these very popular events on a voluntary basis to support various village groups.  Also to Jonny and Ronnie who provide the venue and donate prizes for the winners.

Thanks to all who supported this particular quiz, in aid of Lerryn Area Community Website. The raffle resulted in an amount of £111 being banked (after deducting cost of raffle prizes).  Funds continue to be needed for the maintenance and development of the village website. This includes annual hosting charges, currently £245.

The website continues to attract more viewers - the photo gallery and archive page are proving very popular. Contiributions to the news page and discussion forum are always welcome!