St Veep "Sunshine Boxes"

Sunday 27th March 2011

The project is designed to produce much needed funds for the day-to-day running expenses of St Veep Parish and the Church Council would appreciate your whole-hearted support.  The concept is quite simple in that you receive a "Sunshine Box" which is placed in a strategic spot in your home, such as a window sill.  You then agree a set amount of donation which can be as little as 2p (hopefully it will be as much as 20p) and every day that the sun shines, you put that coin in the "Sunshine Box".  The sun does not have to shine all day:  even a few minutes' sunshine is enough to prompt you to put the money in the box and appreciate the joy of seeing the sunshine.

The project will be launched at St Veep Church on Mothering Sunday on Sunday 3rd April and the boxes, hopefully filled with your coins) will be collected on Mothering Sunday in 2012.

Please come along on 3rd April to collect your "Sunshine Box" and bring some sunshine into your life.