Whitecross and District Gardening Club - first talk of the new membership year

Thursday 21st September 2023

Whitecross and District Gardening Club - first talk of the new membership year

We hope that you have all had a wonderful summer and have had many happy hours in your
gardens. We are very much looking forward to the forthcoming programme of speakers and club
outings that have been arranged for 2023-2024. Meetings are on the third Thursday of the month
and start at 7.30pm.

Our first speaker, Frank Reid, will be coming to Whitecross Village Hall on Thursday 21st September
2023 and will be talking on The Art of Bonsai. This speaker has been specifically requested by two of
our club members who are Bonsai enthusiasts and know Frank who is an informative and
entertaining speaker. We suspect that not many of us know a great deal about Bonsai and are
looking forward to learning something new.

Just to remind you that your Garden Club membership renewal is due at the September meeting.
Membership for the year is still £10. We would appreciate it if you could pay by cash or cheques
made out to: Whitecross and District Gardening Club. We do not have the facility for you to pay by

The evenings are drawing in. We know that some of our members do not like driving in the dark. If
you would like a lift to meetings but are unable to drive, please get in contact with us and we will do
our best to find someone to transport you.

We very much look forward to seeing you on Thursday